wedding angpao

Hi! Would like to seek advice about wedding angpao. Was invited to a wedding earlier this year and RSVP that I would be going. However, I told the couple about 2 months before the wedding that I will not be able to make it. Should I still give angpao to cover the seat+blessing, or just the blessing will do? TIA!

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Thành viên VIP

If informed well beforehand like 2 months ago then the couple will release the seat to another guest. As for angpow as blessing, depends on your relationship with the couple, it’s good to give if u are close to them. :)

Influencer của TAP

Normally 1-2months before couple will confirm no of pax with the organiser/hotel/banquet again So it's fine not to give any pow, of course will be good to give

Super Mom

You’ve informed them well in advance, so there’s no seat to cover:) Just a blessing will do, if you’d like.

It is totally up to what you are comfortable with. i would still suggest that a small gift would be nice

Thành viên VIP

I think it is okay not to give, if small token depends on your relationship with the couple

Thành viên VIP

A small ang pow would still be nice(:

Thành viên VIP

A blessing is nice