Pacifier - Yes or No
Do u let your lo suck on a pacifier? If yes, when did you start and when did you stop? Is giving pacifier a bad thing? Esp for lo teeth

Yes. I did not let my lo use a pacifier at first but she has colic and keeps crying non stop every single day at around week 6. Started using pacifier to soothe her since then and pacifier can reduce the risk of SIDS. However, it is true that using the pacifier beyond the age of 2 has a higher chance of improper dental development. I intend to stop around 6-8months.
Read moreTried when LO was a newborn,as she cries a lot due to colic and reflux, however she rejected it, since then didn’t use pacifier at all. If prolong usage can effect dental 🦷 growth
I tried giving him at 3m old when he started sucking him thumb but he still prefer his thumb. Till now, at 7m old, he is still sucking his thumb when sleeping
Yes. From 1 months old cause he was colic and not sleeping well. I think must get ride after 1.5-2 years old, not a bad thing afterall.
Well, depend on the situation. My firstborn only use it for 8 months then she stop using it all on her own. Depend on baby mood😁
I will avoid giving my LO pacifier as I afraid that he might get addicted and the shape of the lips might change!
Yes... my baby starts at around 4 months and stopped at 16 months
nope! never got her started.
Yes I do. Started early.
Yes,when he's slping