Pacifier for newborn from hospital
Did u guys give your newborn pacifier to suck on upon being discharged from hospital? Meaning when you guys pack to leave, you put a pacifier on them?

I only started giving mine at 3rd week because she had difficulty sleeping after feeds and it was taking a toll on us not being able to rest. I am on EBM so there is no worry on latch BF. That said, I think its too early to introduce soother for 1st week, babies dont cry for no reason..
hmmm nope, the society now not the same as before. last time pacifier very common, now if someone spots ur kid with it, people think u are bad parent... not only nipple confusion, but also the belief that sucking pacifier will cause the child to have bunny teeth...
I attended the KKH antenatal programme and the nurse advised against using a pacifier as this can lead to confusion and problems with breastfeeding. Just let the baby cry.
Pacifier is a personal choice and if possible, try avoiding using it if you can. It is not a must. With that said, new born too young to have Pacifier.
hi mummy! no we did not. if my bb cries, we just let him cry. newborns are often sleepy so we were able to reach home with him not crying.
Yes used since birth. Tbh I find that introducing that early helped prevent confusion. I DL for 5mths n switched to EP after, no issues at all!
Direct latch & exclusively pumping (how you breastfeed)
No. only started recently at 2mths plus as kept crying due to colic. However baby doesn't really like the pacifier.
No!! We gave pacifier only when pd suggested coz my ger non stop moving her mouth n we tot she keep wanna eat
Im not planning to even give pacifier to my child