
U know that your husb is having an a affair. He doesnt wan to admit it. As a wife you have asked him. And he still doesnt want to admit it. I want to exposed this to his family member. I just dont know hw to go about. How to confront the women that having an a affair with my husband. Our marriage is just less then 3 years. I have 1 year old baby girl. I am devasted of this act. I have all the evidence proof. I have not seek a lawyer yet. I just want to know where i stand. He only comes home 2 times a week. How

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If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't even bother confronting the other woman. I'll just leave my husband, take our children with me, and make sure he provides financial support for them.

6y trước

yes, the kid deserve parents in their life. but have you ever thought that what if you both still stays together and you daughter sees both of you fighting and quarreling everyday? moreover he only comes back twice a week. confronting his parents is not going to change his decisions on what he wants. kids who grew up in single family can also be very happy.