Kellogs cornflakes kitne saal ke baccho ko dena chahiye..

Hi Sabina, I would also say please avoid it as much as possible. once your child is about 4, maybe then you can start a little but not too much. this means that you can give those small packs of INR 10 that too one only and not every day of course. end of the day, all these packaged foods contain preservatives and other things that are not really nutritional and will actually cause more negative health effects if taken too regularly. these are loaded with a high amount of sugar and artificial flavours and colours too, and can definitely increase the risk of obesity as well as make your child more prone to diabetes in future.
Read moreHello Sabina, I do not think you should give cornflakes to your child till he is 4, and that too give it less quantity if he really wants to have it, because though corn is high in nutritional content, but the main source of its calorie content is starch. Starch is bad carbohydrate which is quickly absorbed by the body and offer very less nutritive value. Some of the packed cornflakes for children have 50 percent more sugar as compared to adult cereals, which is not good for them and increases their risk of having obesity. I would say that make your own home made cereals.
Read moreYou can give cornflakes to your child when he is throws tantrums in drinking milk. ;p Well! This is how I started getting cornflakes and choices at my home. But I would suggest limit their use because I am also personally against the use of packaged food. And even though I know that they do not have high nutritional value I still get it to give them off and on and not on regular basis.
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