Lost it again

I've lost my baby again today, 18 May 2022 The first miscarriage was on May 2008. May we, trying to conceive mommies chin up & move on. To another baby making chapter...

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so sorry for your loss. big hug to you. i also had a loss this year and am trying to conceive. but my period is so screw up now. may our bodies recover well and be blessed with a rainbow baby 🥲

2y trước

TCM can help regulate your body cycle though. it helped for me. jiayou

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Stay strong! Mine was lost on 01-01-2022 and we are devastated,what a way to start the year! But currently we are on 12 weeks! So don’t give up! All will be fine!

Sorry for your loss. Stay positive and don’t give up ok, when the right one come along all will be worth it. *Hugs*

So sorry for your loss.. Sending you lots of healing energy and love. Stay strong, mummy. ❤️❤️

i’m so sorry to hear this, it must be painful. sending lots of love and support to you. ❤️

stay strong don’t give up! The day will come 💜❤️