Anxiety in Pregnancy after Miscarriage

Hi ladies - I lost my first pregnancy last Aug (missed m/c) and am expecting again. Currently at wk 11 but everyday I'm worried about whether my baby is doing okay especially since the first was lost to me without any symptoms... What's the best way to cope with such anxiety?

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Hello! I also had a missed MC last Oct and am 13 weeks today. I also struggle daily but I find solace being in a group chat with others with the same month of EDD! I also assure myself daily that everything is okay and i talk to the baby. I thought of even buying a doppler to listen to heartbeat but didn’t as I thought it will make me more paranoid instead. Hope it all goes well for u!

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2y trước

thanks for sharing, really means a lot to hear about your experience 💛 I talk to my baby everyday too, haha! all the best to us!!

Hi mummy! I also had miscarriage last July and I am 15 weeks now. Being traumatized is normal. But don’t think too much and avoid to think things that will lead to paranoia. Just think of the positive side. Baby came back stronger. Always pray and talk to baby even if he does not hear you yet. We will all have a healthy baby soon! ❤️

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2y trước

thank you for your words of wisdom! praying earnestly for yours and mine! ❤️

mine happened in July last year and I'm almost 13 weeks now. I think it's inevitable to feel that way coz I do have that memory at the back of my mind. stay positive and do communicate with your husband about your feelings, at least he can also be a source of assurance to stay joyful with your rainbow baby. we can do this together!

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2y trước

that's true! gotta lean in to the one closest by :) all the best to us 💪🏻❤️

I feel you! Miscarriage in last aug and currently at 12 weeks today. Sending you virtual hugs! ❤️ Hoping we all can get through this and have a healthy baby in our arms by EDD Aug!

2y trước

yes we can do this! thank you for sharing ❤️

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