How do you cope with your fear on your 2nd pregnancy when you miscarriaged the last one

I had a miscarriage last year when he was 5 months (his heart stopped beating), after trying several months we got a good news yesterday, it is now 4weeks. Ofc we are really happy but on the other hand we scared that we will lost this baby again, how should i cope with this feeling, any advice will be appreciated. Thank you

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Super Mom

Hi dear, first of all, congrats! ❤️ You went through a lot, and it’s understandable how you’re feeling right now. But I hope you’ll take it one day at a time, and enjoy and cherish every moment of the journey. Celebrate everything about the pregnancy, especially each scan picture, each movement, and even each symptom you have to bear with from being pregnant. I believe your baby is so blessed to have a loving mummy like you, and I pray that you’ll have a beautiful healthy baby in your arms in 8 months ❤️

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4y trước

Thank you for your kind word, it means a lot to me. I will be positive and waiting to see him/her in 8 months 😊😊😊