Blood accompanied with contractions 2cm dilated

Hi, I’ve been to the hospital because I was bleeding, the bloody show the call it. I was having mild cramps but irregular. However it wasn’t too intense that I cannot handle I was just worried about baby as each time contractions starts baby move lesser (which I think it’s normal as well?) have any of you experienced this? I am only 2cm dilated do I decided to go home. How long after this do u normally deliver?

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I had the same experience in 31st August 2020, morning i felt cramps (contraction) I didn't know as it was bearable so I went back to bed till 12pm I woke up to pee i saw fresh blood then i showered and head to my gynae's clinic she told me I am 3cm dilated I can choose to go home and admit the next day morning or not immediately. I choose to go home but along the way I had contractions i ignored it till about near 11pm I can't take it as it went worse thats when I admitted so the next day morning 8am gynae came in and told me baby ready to come out so 8.18am my boy is out.

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