Bleeding with mucus plug

I had bleeding at last night around 11plus followed by contractions starts around 2.47am. I am in the hospital already and only 1cm dilated. There is contraction pain but bearable & doctor asked me to go back and wait for the contractions to be more intense and regular. Reached home and around 5am got the urge the poo & have so much more bloody show & this time round much more red and the amount is quite a lot. I am 37.3weeks today. Is this amount normal? 1st picture is the first bleeding at 11plus last night followed by this morning 5am after I came home from hospital. It literally flew to the wall when I wiped with toilet paper LOL #advicepls

Bleeding with mucus plug
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Hi! thats good! If doctor have checked and waterbag not leaking or burst, placenta all healthy. Its better to stay at home and wait for active labour, (3 to 4 mins in between contraction) bloody show is normal, coz your gynae might be pro natural and might not want to induce u or get u on oxytocin drip to make the contractions stronger as it is more painful and take longer since u are only 1cm dilated. I have had both experienced with pro induce gynae and pro natural doctor. The induced gynae would keep me in the hospital and im there for a good 16 hours put me on drip, manually break my waterbag just to initiate active labour and its more painful for me. For my other pregnancy, she’s pro natural gynae, i went in during active labour (3 to 4 mins apart of contraction) and im already 6 cm dilated, took about 3 hrs for my delivery. So this is just my 2 cents and based on experienced, do consult your doctor again if u feel uneasy, do whatever that makes u feel good ya! And be a happy mummy! *hugs*

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Looks like mucus plug but does not mean you'll give birth anytime soon. The reason your gynae tells you to go home is because you're not in active labour & only a cm dilated. Normally they will keep you if you're already 3cm & above. Keep walking at home or do squats to help you dilate faster. Remember to count your contractions. Get ready to head to the hospital if it's frequent from 5-10 mins. This means you're in active labour.

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I have bloody show for both preg. 1st one little bit. go to gynae clinic ctg monitoring n check cervix already almost 3cm dilated but contraction every 20 min n got admitted immediately. 2nd one full blast bloody show. the pad was full within 30min of journey to labour suite... 3cm dilated with 5 to 8 min contraction. both delivered btw 5 to 8 hours...

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You’re going to give birth. Better to stay in the hospital.

4y trước

But doctor still ask me to go home.