baby shower

isit okay to held baby shower 1 to 2 wks in advance? or would u prefer to arrange it belated?

13 Replies
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I held mine right on the date, lucky cos it fell on a weekend. If it doesn't fall on a weekend, I guess I would have chosen the nearest weekend. Doesn't matter early or late ba? Hehe. The baby is still within 1 month ah. But think the older generation may have some issues.

1 to 2 weeks in advance seems to early, a few days later sounds fine, or 100 days celebration

Super Mom

1 or 2 weeks in advance is not ideal as it's still within your confinement period.

Super Mom

1-2 weeks in advance might be too early. Go for 100 days celebration instead.

Thành viên VIP

Would prefer belated. 1 or 2 weeks before means still in confinement right?

6y trước

Then it's better belated (1-2 weeks should be fine) as you need enough rest during confinement. Or if you are fine with 100th day celebration then go for it as some family is more tradition, might not like the idea of 100th day celebration :)

Thành viên VIP

How about the 100th day? It’s seem to be the IN thing now.

100 days is better though so it won’t be too rush

Thành viên VIP

I would arrange it later

Thành viên VIP

Better to have it later

Later is fine for me