Teen mum here.

I’m a teen mum, now 19. I have a 3mo daughter. Ask me anything. I’ve went through 2 different types of forced abortion. I want to help or give advice to other teen mummies so please comment below if you’d like to speak.

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Hi , im 19 . my period was late for a week so i decided to take a testing kit . recently found out that I'm pregnant . I lost my appetite to eat , i feel exhausted no matter what i do . i haven't visited the doctor yet . What is healthy to eat throughout the whole pregnancy ? #1sttimemom #firstbaby

4y trước

Hi there! I would suggest u to go visit the doctor asap as they will prescribe u folic acid. I didn’t control my diet n ate as usual during pregnancy, only avoiding alcohol

I hope you are coping well. Do you feel like your friends or family judge you for being a mum at such a young age?

5y trước

not really! i actually find them quite supportive

hi how was your procedure like ? eg for your appointment must your parents accompany you or did u go by yourself.

4y trước

As long as u’re above 16, NO ONE will be called unless u want them to. U can go for appts urself even if u r below 16 but police will be called no matter whether u want them to or not

I’m so happy that your coping well. Glad u have a supportive network too. Was your partner supportive too?

4y trước

So Glad ur partner was as mine wasn’t. Currently in third tri, hopefully I’m emotionally strong enough to go through this. How was ur labour though? Is it natural? If so did u use epidural? Was the jab painful?

how did you tell your parents you were pregnant ? im 18 becoming a teen mom and so scared to tell them .

4t trước

if u're living with them u HAVE to outright say it. or u could tell them through text if u don't wish to speak to them. or if u have no bump at all, u could do what i did and announce it by bringing the baby home from the hospital after birth..

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sorry just curious what's 2 different types of forced abortion? mine sharing your story?

4y trước

Thank you for not judging me. I fell into a downward spiral n depression afterwards. Kept drinking n hurting myself until I met my current husband, shortly after I got pregnant n I didn’t go home, I got a job in secret, saved up almost 4k n waited till 31weeks to tell my parents. Now they adore my daughter n always want to play with her, Im a full time mom now n I feel my life has never been more meaningful

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Hello teen Mom, how are you feeling? Congratulations on your recent bundle of joy.

5y trước

thank you! i’m great :)

Did your sex drive increase during pregnancy? And how did you dealt with it

4y trước

Nope it didn’t