iam pregnant but....

I'm pregnant for 10weeks but no one know. I'm 31yo and i have a young bf which is only 21 this yr. I didnt tell him about iam pregnant. I didnt want him to worry about it. I also worry he wont want the baby even tho he did tell me he will want the baby if i really have so shld i tell him? Iam so confused!!

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Why put all the 'worries' to yourself? Tell him! He is the baby's father. He needs to know. Discuss what's the future plan. If you are worry about him not wanting the baby, the more you should tell him earlier & see what he say so that you can make your own plans....

Super Mom

You should let him know, discuss bout it and reach a conclusion. You can’t drag this longer as it affect u and ur baby. .

Thành viên VIP

Thanks everyone for the comments. it's been 2yrs. everything went smoothly, and my lo turning 14mths😇

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3y trước

That’s great to hear!

Thành viên VIP

Thanks for the comments 😇 We doesnt having saving. So i also scare I'll bring baby to difficulties life. 😞

let him know as he's the father.. then discuss together how things go from there on

Thành viên VIP

better to let him know since he's the father and start planning

Thành viên VIP

i think you should let him know first and discuss bout it

Thành viên VIP

It’s best to talk to him and plan now.

Thành viên VIP

You can tell him. Talk to him.☺️

Thành viên VIP

Talk to him.