When did you knw the gender of baby.

Im now 14 weeks. Doctor scanned and said high chance is girl?. But not confirmed. He said next visit 18 weeks he will confirm again.

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My gynae did my ultrasound for like 10 mins trying to take a good look at the baby and told me (during my 12th week) that it is high likely a boy. My husband and I were like 🤯🤯🤯🤯

5y trước

Mine too! My gynae said there's something trying to grow out below haha

Haha when i was at 15-16 weeks dr also said mine's likely a girl. Then during the detailed scan, it was a boy😅

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Doctor schedule me for week 16 scan and I can't wait to find out the gender. Not sure boy or girl.

5y trước

I got a feeling is a boy. Shall see on my next scan.

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13th week as we did the Panorama blood test. Further confirmed during the 20th week scan

Mine at 20weeks. First scan my LO show his penis 😅

Influencer của TAP

Normally after 5 months can know the gender already.

Got to know mine at week 20. Exciting time for you!

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I get to know at 5 months. and it's a girl

Super Mom

I know at week 11 as I did the nipt

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After 4/5 months preg haha.