Just too afraid of losing my baby 😔

Im a new mum (sahm), married to a great responsible husband. Our nb is now 9m and almost every night i cry while looking at my sleeping daughter thinking bout sudden death, sickness, or anything that can take her life. I love her so much and im just too afraid what if 1 day god take her life too soon?.. what if 1 day she will leave me for someone else? What if she meet with an accident due to my carelessness while crossing the road? And many more.. the feeling i have for my daughter is just too strong and i think ive never loved anyone this much.. i told my husband i dont think i want to have another baby cause i dont want my daughter to have lesser attention from us. Hes very understanding.. i lost my one and only beloved brother just 1 month before i gave birth and i am still grieving for him.. i miss him so much.. nothing can beat the feeling of losing my brother and the love for my child.. i pray to god every night for my daughter’s protection and the afterlife of my late brother.. thanks for reading mummies

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Hi Mummy! Don’t worry, the feeling will be stronger when your LO gets older. Then the fear of her being married into another family and all the what ifs will start all over again. I think it’s pretty normal to think this way but don’t let it affect your daily lifestyle ok? My LO is 19 months and everyday I am screaming at her but everyday I will look at her and I will tear up thinking about what ifs. I would play scenarios in my head like what if there’s a war in SG and bad people are taking kids away from their parents? What if we are careless and my LO runs too far to be chased after and onto the road? Will it be safe if I leave my LO in the care of others? Will they be as protective as I am? What if I send my child to school and there’s a shooting or a mad man with a chopper? What if I die first? Will she know how I look like? Will she cry and yearn for me, my warmth and hugs and kisses? Or what if my LO is being snatched away when I let go of her hand for just 5 secs? I can go on and on and the fear of losing my child will just build up. đŸ„č I think you should relax, live day by day, enjoy your baby’s milestones, love her unconditionally, educate her to be safe always, educate her about strangers, spend as much time as you can with her. Having children is a liability, it comes with great responsibility so be there to see her grow.

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You just experienced your brother leaving you. I’m sure that made you cherish every single moment with your baby more dearly. Take your time to grieve for your brother well. See photos of him or make a memento. Do what you must. It’s important to be able to continue to draw inner strength from your heart to protect and love your baby and loved ones fiercely like you. We can only control what we can and leave the rest up to faith. I know you are so strong and a great mother who is capable of loving others. Keeping you on my mind x

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hi can i ask if you are a muslim? if you are, you practice reciting this. and a mother's doa for her children is always mujarab amiin insya Allah. so keep praying đŸ„°

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i think the trauma of losing ur brother is affecting you, that’s why you are more worried now. enjoy your time spent with your LO :)

and this đŸ„°

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