Growth spurts?

Im currently 29wks+3 days. On my previous check up (28wks) my baby's weight was 1680g, with her abdominal circumference being 259mm..gynae mentioned that baby is on the chubbier side particularly in her tummy. I don't have GD, my glucose test results at 25 weeks came out normal and throughout my pregnancy I have had iron deficiency as well. There's been several occasions where I feel like I'm going to faint or almost faint (become nauseous and start seeing stars), especially when I walk too much/weather too hot/never eat. Could this be bcos of baby's size? Why is baby so big? Could this just be a sudden growth spurt and maybe she'll slow down..? I don't feel like I've been eating a whole lot for baby to be overweight. I'm 24 years old and this is my first pregnancy. ? I really want to have a natural birth so any dieting advice will be greatly appreciated..

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Super Mom

Hi dear, it’s never a good idea to go on a major diet during pregnancy. You already feel faint, possibly from dehydration, the hot weather, or low blood sugar. I think you don’t have to worry about your baby’s size so much at this point, especially if you don’t have GD. You can watch and see what happens during the next growth scan at about 32 weeks... for now, please don’t diet! Eat normally (all 3 meals). You don’t need to eat more than what you did before pregnancy for these meals.. in fact, it’s good to eat less per meal and eat more frequently in the third trimester to prevent reflux:) if you’re worried about baby being too big, eat normal amounts but healthier options.. less fried/fatty/sugary foods, more fruits and vegetables, lean meat, complex carbohydrates (wholemeal bread, brown rice if you’d prefer these). Don’t do extreme physical sports, but you can go for long walks to keep active:) Don’t be stressed okay? It’ll all be alright:)

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Oh no.. it’s okay don’t stress yourself mummy! Stress and anxiety also adds to feeling that way. Pls do try not to skip your meals, even if it’s abit, try to eat something. And try to balance your diet. I’m 31 weeks and even though I control my diet, I have diabetes. Dietician says it might also be due to stress so try to calm yourself okay? If u need help u can consult your doctor about this and they’ll get someone to help monitor you and your diet. Jiayou! ✌🏼

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Super Mom

Its not a good idea to go through diet during pregnancy. Instead you can try eating healthier and be more active

Thành viên VIP

Cut down on sugary drinks/bread and carbs might help! But please do not go on diet!

Cut down sugar and carbo