Weight gain during pregnancy

I’m coming to my 5th month of pregnancy but I’m gaining only about 3 kg. I’m 59kg before pregnancy and about 62.3kg now. I’m in my 2nd trimester. Is this normal?

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Im in my 39th week gained 6kgs so far. Doc is happy with the progress considering the baby’s weight is as per her expectation. Till your baby and you are doing fine dont worry. Every pregnancy is different just continue to enjoy your pregnancy take care and stay happy :)

yes, it's normal. i started gaining more weight towards the end of 2nd trimester. before delivery, i gained 18kg! weight gain is different for every mummy :) if your gynae is not concerned, you should be fine :)

im about 53kg pre-pregnancy and at my 28 weeks appointment, I am about 57.7kg. so about 4.7kg gain. baby is about 1.5kg. gynae say it is good weight gain.... so it is okay as long your baby is growing...

the last time i had my weight check is 20weeks and 5 days and im 56.4kg only. my weight before pregnancy is 52kg 😊 now i dont know if i gain more weight im already in week 22 and day 3.

Don't worry, I started out 53.8kg and now still only 55.8kg at nearly 28 weeks pregnant (despite efforts to eat more). Baby growing very well and big 😅

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if the gynae has no concern on baby weight then no issue. my whole pregnancy weight gain is only about 8kg. baby weight was 3135g at week 40. :)

Slowly in T2 , u will gain weight. But most impt is Baby is gaining weight. Coz I now in T3, but I don’t gain much. But baby grow well.

As long as your baby has weight gain that’s fine. I’m In my last trimester and during w35 checkup my weight gain is 9kg so far along

As long as your baby’s weight and growth is normal it shouldn’t be a cause for concern!

First preg gained 10kg 2nd pregnancy gained 9kg Current pregnancy 17wks gained 2.8kg 😂