I'm Buddhist and my husband is Muslim. He wants our son to be circumcised, he says not just for religious beliefs but also because it's more hygienic. I'm uncomfortable at the thought of having to choose my for my child an elective procedure and to have him go through the pain of circumcision. Any advice?

Male circumcision isn't mandatory, but I highly recommend it for hygienic purposes. Facts first: the procedure only removes the foreskin (skin that covers the head) of the penis. As boys grow older, they start to neglect personal hygiene - brushing teeth, grooming hair, putting on deo, etc. - including washing their genitals properly. During these times, any leftover secretion (urine, semen) stuck inside the foreskin that isn't washed away has the potential to breed bacteria and cause infections. Circumcision removes that skin covering and exposes the penis head for washing. Concerns: Yes, of course it hurts. After all, you're cutting away skin. However, a baby would have less memory of the pain than a 10 year old boy. As for the choice issue, ultimately, the choice is yours as to whether or not to get your baby circumcised. Some consider this a rite of passage into manhood - that a boy needs to feel pain (where pain is felt the most) and overcome it to fully become a man. You may want your son to experience this. Whichever you decide, just remember: there's nothing wrong if you don't have him circumcised. He can still acquire good hygiene practices to compensate for not being cut.
Read moreReligion aside, I'm all for circumcision because there are more benefits than there are negatives with this procedure. Alot of parents choose to circumcise their sons because of hygiene and health reasons. I've known parents who waited till their son is older (7-12 years) for circumcision and it took a longer time to heal and it hurt alot more. In my opinion, circumcising a child young will hurt him less as compared to circumcising them when they are older. Moreover, modern circumcision practices in Singapore (at clinics and hospitals) are relatively low in pain as they use laser techniques instead of the traditional "cutting" method. So if you do choose to circumcise, choose a procedure that is done at a specialised clinic where it is generally safe and pain-free.
Read moreWhy want to decide for ur son? Just let ur son to decide for himself. It is his body. Imagine if someone said wana cut part of ur body's part reason for hygiene purpose, thus will u let the person cut?? Even if it is cut, can you guarantee that ur boy is 100% hygiene, clean and safe from all germs/bacteria?? Part of growing up, he will still meet all types of unexplainable stuffs (different bacteria/germs/virus etc) so does this means he needs to cut or remove plenty of his body parts? No right?! Why not just teach ur boy the correct ways of taking care if himself and practise more hygiene will too ya. 🙂 For my opinion, i disagreed circumcised. Sorry.
Read moreI'm with Diane, it's their call when they grow up. My wife is Hindu and we agree that our daughter would follow Hindu practice including not eating beef until she is 18 when she get to choose her own path. But circumcision is a permanent procedure and I would think its best to give the choice to the child - his conviction would only be stronger if he eventually choose it for himself.
Read moreWhy worry about the pain when you can avoid worrying about him facing any pain in the future due to unhygienic purposes. A 10 year old would cure faster from the circumcision VS a 20 year old. You can choose to do it when he’s still young. But anyways, I definitely agree on it due to hygiene purposes.
Read moreif pain is what u worry about then from my filipino husband who is circumcised said its not painful. they only remove the skin of the head part.its better u do it when he is young as it will be less painful and embarrassing. and yes, its much clean if u circumcised.
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Have you guys elected a religion for your child yet? If you have then I would follow the practice of the chosen religion. If you have not, then I would suggest to wait till your child decides his religion
For me, I will leave to my boys to decide whether to circumcision or not when they are old enough to make decision, after 20 years old. Ultimately, I feel I should respect their body parts and decision.
I'm a man. I beg you to let your boy decide when he is older... Multiple reasons and some are #NSFW