So hard to sleep at night

Im approaching 32weeks. My tummy is gettting so big and heavy, its so hard to get to right position to sleep, im having sore tummy aches all around the bump ? How exactly should be the right position to sleep?

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Yes lie on your side(left better for baby as better circulation), I use a u shaped pillow so have support behind my back and under my bump then pillow between my knees so supported all around, otherwise find bump too heavy!!!

6y trước

Thank you dear .. i will try that

Best position would be lying on the left side... with pillows in between ur legs and below ur bump. Can try the maternity pillow if u want. Elevate ur head with more pillows if need to. Thats how i sleep these days.

6y trước

Thanks babe

You can try using a pregnancy pillow to support your belly! I used dream genii n it was really helpful! You should also slp on your left for better blood circulation to baby :)

Super Mom

Understand that discomfort. Try sleeping on your side and hug a bolster to prop up the leg. That should help?

6y trước

Thank you .. i will try that

Super Mom

I'm experiencing it. I'm currently 32 weeks pregnant. You can try sleeping on the left side.

Try sleeping on ur left. Keep your legs and knees bent, and put a pillow between your legs.

6y trước

Thank you dear , i try this position tonight

Super Mom

Try side ways