Pregnancy symptoms

I’m 8 weeks pregnant and my appetite has been decreased ever since I got to know I’m pregnant. Anybody has gone through the same? How do handle loss of appetite? Everything seems off to me, it’s dilemma. Like I’m hungry but feeding myself food seems reluctant.

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I know the feeling. Been there, currently in my 38 weeks. During my first trimester, i really had bad morning sickness. Although I'm really hungry, whatever i eat will definitely throw up. I couldnt find anything that i could swallow, even with small portions. Husband just bought for me KFC Whipped Potato and I eat it everyday although only a spoonful.

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Hey don’t worry, I also had this, very very very bad appetite and my meal portion was so little everytime if I reli got to eat. It will get better overtime. Try to eat small meals multiple times per day. Hydrate yourself as well. Tell your doctor about the condition and see what he say.

It's really normal. I couldn't eat anything without vomiting and my nausea was really bad. Just eat what you can.. I feel like first trimester is really just eating whatever you can to survive. It will somehow get better, hang in there! :)

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it's normal I totally no appetite during first trimester and bedridden. weight drop 5kg but everything got back normal after 2nd trimester. whole pregnancy gain 22kg

its normal.. I loss my appetite too during 1st tri.. force myself to eat whenever hungry. now into 2nd tri, appetite slightly better. hang in there!

it's perfectly normal. just enjoy the pregnancy process.

I feel like first trimester