Any remedies for nausea and vomiting?
Hello mummies, I’m currently 6 weeks pregnant and is my first pregnancy so I’m not so sure about how to help with nausea and the feeling of vomiting!! ? bought sea-band but seems like it doesn’t really help.

Have something warm and try ginger tea. It helped me during my first trimester.. Also take smaller but frequent meals. So you won’t feel even more uncomfortable than it already is.. Jiayou mummy! It gets better during the 2nd tri. Thats when all your energy comes back & you’ll feel more like yourself. Meanwhile, get more rest.. :)
Read moreI tried so many things.. Sour stuff, juice, hard candy, soft candy, small bites etc... Nothing worked for me. Bad morning sickness and nausea. I took doctor's prescribed pills. No choice working mummy... The pills only control the vomit. Still experiencing nausea.. Currently 10 weeks
*stopped the medicine and the vomited started.
have a biscuit ready at your bedside table. eat them when you feel nausea. Drink water too. Empty stomach will cause more of that feeling. Earing a banana also helps. It did for me. :) Now my nausea and feeling of vomit is somewhat gone.
Hi... you might wanna try some of the remedies suggested in this article
Okay! Will read up!
I had a severe nausea which lasted until my week 20. My OB prescribed me with diclectin. Works for me. You can check with your OB.
Actually everything also doesnt work fr me during the first tri. All you need is bed rest.
If nausea really bad, ask your gynae for anti nausea pills. It's safe for pregnancy. And it works.
Nth worked for me Doctor prescribed some medicine but it made me very sleepy and slept whole day
Something sour (not too much though as it may be too acidic) or try some fruits like bananas etc
I hope this article helps you :
Excited to become a mum