Hungry All Day
I'm 5 weeks day 2. Is it only me keep hungry all day? Feel so helpless cos keep eating every 2 hour ?

Me too! I'm 7 weeks 2 days though but have been getting hungry every 3 hours since I was 5 weeks plus already. My husband is so scared everytime I go to take a poop because that means I will be hungry again and he needs to go and make sure I get what I want to eat. :D
Me too!!! I got to stock up more fruits, wholemeal biscuits and some chocolate! Hehe 8weeks nowand i need to atleast munch every hr or so....
You can have a stash of healthy snacks nearby and eat smaller portions. I usually snack on fruits, sliced cheese, plain crackers and nuts.
Hehe no it’s not just you. I’m also very hungry all the time n craving for a lot of stuffs. On my 7 weeks pregnancy now.
Hi I'm 5weeks 3days.. I also feel hungry all the day.. was thinking what can eat what cannot eat.. anyone can advice?

I ate every other hour during my first trim and sleep a lot too... just eat in moderation.... 😊
Me still continue to be hungry every 2 hrs, now at wk 17.. Heard later stage will be more hungry too
It’s normal. Just eat smaller portion, more frequently.
Me too, I just munch on snacks whenever I feel hungry.
Me! Just eat small portions. I think should be ok.