
Im 16weeks 5days pregnant. I was having sex w my husband then suddenly there was alot of blood on our bed and i when to wash there is blood clot or like tissue. Should i go ER? Is it normal? Pls help.

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A little bit of blood stain is ok but when you mentioned alot of blood then it's better you go to the hospital. Its really not normal

I am 16 weeks 5 days too. Please go ER. Nit normal. Update us ya.

Not normal if thr's clot. Pls go A&E now. May all is well.

Heavy bleeding is not normal. Please go to the ER ASAP.

Influencer của TAP

doesn’t sound normal, pls go see doc asap.

Not normal if there is a clot..

please rush to the er to check

Super Mom

Pls go