if u were on masterchef, wad will b ur signature dish?

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Mine would be nasi lemak but instead of white rice, I'd use brown rice. I actually tried it once and the nutty consistency of the brown rice pairs beautifully with the coconut milk. Alternatively, I'd make a dessert, my favourite matcha green tea panna cotta. Easy to make and looks super impressive when presented successfully.

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haha.. masterchef is too tough to scale. Signature dish at home would be a simple Steak and Spaghetti. Can't really go wrong with that.

I don't know what would be my signature. This question is making me hungry :(

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Can i do bakes instead of cooking? The kiddos love my Devils Food Cake!

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Chicken rice noodle. Instead of rice it's Beehoon!

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chicken tikka masala served with pulao rice

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Fried rice or butter cake🙊

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Instant noodles! 😂

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Curry chicken