5-6 weeks pregnant. How was your first gynae check up?

I just went for my first gynae check up. They did a scan and all they said was “ I can’t see baby yet. I can only see yolk sac”. The expression somehow left me thinking whether am I really pregnant? Coz they also kept saying “don’t know if the pregnancy will progress”. Gosh. Edit: it was the sonographer at KKH who said all these. Not the gynae. UPDATE 8/12: I just went for my scan yesterday and they saw the heartbeat and babies head. I’m at 8 weeks now. THANK GOD. phew.

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Remind me when I go KK for my scan during my first pregnancy (5-6 weeks) The nurse told me that, is might not be a baby is something else . Maybe is some blood thing etc . The nurse keep saying she can’t see the baby at all etc . Make me so worried . Even the first consultation doctor also no idea what’s going on and my next consultation at 3:30pm so waited until 4plus and the doctor asked me go A&E to see the doctor instead . Because she’s going to off work already . My appointment at 8:30am, I did 3-4 scans and 2 consultation . Even send to A&E . End up everything done at 7pm . Is my first pregnancy, so I was pretty scared and don’t know what to do . Is kind of sad but the A&E doctor is good and explain to me everything even said sorry to me . And she told me the baby is good .

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4y trước

Yea right!! It’s the sonographer who said all those to you right! Me too. Argh.