Polyhydramnios experience

I was diagnosed with Polyhydramnios by my doctor at 31 weeks pregnant. I'm confused, Mom, what is Polyhydramnios? The doctor explained that it's a condition where my amniotic fluid is too much, making my belly look very large, even though I was only 31 weeks pregnant. Then I asked, "What are the risks, Doctor? Can the amniotic fluid be reduced?" The doctor said it couldn't. I was at risk of preterm birth because my uterus could no longer 'stretch' to accommodate both the amniotic fluid and my baby. It turned out that 5 days later, I started experiencing leaking amniotic fluid, followed by blood spots. I thought I was urinating because I felt like I needed to pee before. But I couldn't hold it. There was a lot of amniotic fluid at that time. Long story short, I ended up giving birth at 10:40 PM with normal delivery and without amniotic fluid (so I had to keep pushing). My baby weighed only 1,600 grams and was 44 cm long. He couldn't cry, only whimper. He was so tiny... After that, my baby was immediately taken to the incubator and given oxygen and a feeding tube for breast milk. I was in good health, but my baby fought for his life with various equipment for a week. Until he finally passed away with a smile on his face. I was very sad at first, because this was our first child. But God loved him more...

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I'm so sorry to hear about your experience with Polyhydramnios and the loss of your baby. It must have been a very difficult and emotional time for you. Polyhydramnios is indeed a condition where there is an excess of amniotic fluid in the womb. It can cause the belly to appear larger than expected for the stage of pregnancy. I understand that it can be confusing and overwhelming to receive this diagnosis, especially when it comes with risks for preterm birth and other complications. It's heartbreaking to hear about the challenges you faced during labor and the loss of your precious baby. I can't imagine how painful that must have been for you. It's important to allow yourself to grieve and seek support from loved ones and professionals during this time. In terms of reducing the amniotic fluid, I'm not a medical professional, but I understand that sometimes certain medical interventions can be used to manage Polyhydramnios. However, as you mentioned, in some cases, it may not be possible to reduce the amount of fluid, and it can increase the risk of preterm birth. I hope you are surrounded by love and support as you navigate through this difficult time. Remember to take care of yourself and seek help if you need it. You are not alone in this, and there are people who care about you. My heart goes out to you, and I'm sending you strength and warmth during this challenging period. https://invl.io/cll6she

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It must have taken a lot of strength and courage to write this, and even faith to trust God through it all... sincere condolences and may hope be with you and your family!

I am so sorry you have to go through this. It must be heartbreaking. Wishing you all the best and strength to recover from this. 🤍

Oh no..I'm so sorry to hear this, this is heartbreaking. I hope you and your child finds peace..

It’s so tough to even read this. My condolences 💐 May your baby return to you soon.

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