Some advice.

I just want to ask if i can take any medecine for cough and clod while im pregnant?

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I took med from gynae as I was quite terribly sick during 1st tri for my two preg. But I only take once a day when I cant take it. Other than that I drink ginger tea and use vicks

Super Mom

Please see a doctor, and avoid self medication.. especially with COVID-19 now, you should see a doctor and be examined properly. Take care dear

Visit your gp and inform them that you are pregnant. They will be able to give you medication accordingly. That's what my gynae told me

I remember taking cough med when I was pregnant. But it's still best to check with your gynae. GP will also be able to advise u

Please do not self medicate when you are pregnant. Consult your gynaecologist or GP.

Thành viên VIP

Yes. But visit your doctor to make sure the meds u take are safe during pregnancy

Yes but check with your doctor first on which medicines to make

Thành viên VIP

Best to consult your gynaecologist or doctor...Take care!

Influencer của TAP

There is... Do consult the doctor... Take care 💕

Thành viên VIP

must see doctor and ask for the medicine.