I recently gave birth and found out today that my husband has been chatting online with all of his exes these last few weeks. (he hasn't been intouch with them for years). He also failed to mention to them that he is a new dad. When I asked him why, he says he doesn't want to hurt them. Am I unreasonable to feel upset about his behaviour?

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Your husband is damn cock la. What is the point of him talking to his exes in the first place? Unless it's pregnancy advice, you have all the right to be pissed off. In fact you should let him know you're upset about it. Straight up no nonsense. Because you just had a kid. A KID. HIS KID YOUR KID. If it's any other time okay lah maybe he got reason ah, but this one where got excuse. It's fishy la. Be honest with him and he'll be honest with you. Clear the air. Now you both had a child. Start on the right page.

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