Weight Gain

HI! Can i know whats e ideal kg should i gain at 24 weeks so far?

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I'm 24 weeks and I already gain 8kg 😓

Super Mom

No ideal ba as Long as baby is growing.

I’ve gained 10kg at 24 weeks

11mo trước

I'm 24 weeks too and I've gained 10kg. I don't mind the weight gained but I really didn't eat much or anything extra. I also don't eat rice since 8 weeks and my dinner are mostly just veg, meat and soup. for lunch, I usually have prata, avocado with hard boiled egg wrap, noodle or overnight oat with nuts. I only eat 2 meals a day and fruits. A little junk example ice cream, bubble tea, chips, candy or chocolate is once in awhile as I do not want to gain unhealthy weight as well as afraid of eating them. lol... but I still gain very fast.. scary!

About 8kg here 😫

5kg here!

Thành viên VIP

3 to 5 kgs

Thành viên VIP
