Weight gain
I am overweight, but I only put on 2.5kg so far at 24 weeks. Is that ok? At 20 weeks detailed scan baby’s measurements were all ok.

I'm super overweight too. Now at week 25 day 6. Didnt put on any weight yet. I asked doctor too. As long as bb is growing fine it's OK. She told me to prepare to grow, definitely, in the last 2 months though haha.
As long baby is growing that great! I’m overweight as well but i have put about 5kg already... so stress 😂
5kg is still within normal range :)
Same for my case. I didn’t put on much weight during pregnancy but baby growth is still normal. :)
Thanks everyone. Gynae confirmed it’s fine but I also put on more weight already. 😅
As long as baby is ok everything is good. All the best to you!
As long as doc said ok and baby is healthy is good :)
I’m at 32 weeks.. put on a total of 15 kg so far :(
So long Baby is growing well shouldn’t be an issue
Wah I'm 23 wks but gg to gain 8kg...sien
If doc said ok. Then it should be fine