Have you been in this situation ?

Have you feel dissapointed in your partner during/ throughout your pregnancy? Did anyone understand you ? Were you being labelled the one who is the caused of it in the first place?

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We are definitely more “fragile” and more emotional when we are pregnant. So things that did not disappoint can disappoint now. Talk to your partner on how your feelings has changed in this pregnancy phase and suggest to him how he can better support you and your feelings. Tough situations don’t last, tough women do! Hugs!

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Same here… everyone says to manage our own emotions and thoughts, but truly it is easier said than done… hang in there okay

Yes I feel so lonely during this pregnancy. I want to be happy but I just couldn’t pull myself up.

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yes... each person is entitled to their own opinion... we each have our own lives to take charge of

Yes… it happens. Take some time to sit down and talk through it together.

Yes. I feel that no one understands me.
