I know that shellfish is generally safe to eat during pregnancy so long it's well cooked, however I came across an article saying shellfish feed with alge, even it's fully cook, bacteria, will still be there. Will you avoid shellfish during pregnancy? E.g. Abalone, scallop, oyster, etc.

I avoided shellfish during pregnancy. Most of them are bottom feeders. E.g. mussels are used to filter/clean water, I.e. all the toxic waste is contained IN the mussel. If u eat it, the toxins end up in your body!
I avoid shellfish except abalone. I ate only after 3rd trimester. Even salad and Lou Hei ( I was pregnant during CNY) I avoid at all cost. Sashimi I avoided it too. Anyways.. no craving for sashimi too.
I met someone (not pregnant) who had salmonella infection from eating supposedly well cooked shellfish. How I feel is that if I can live without it for 9 months, I’ll just avoid it to keep safe
I do eat clams, abalone etc occasionally during both my pregnancies. As long as it’s fully cooked, it’s fine to consume.
I think as long as it's properly cooked it's fine, freshness of the seafood is also important. Everything in moderation (:
I will just consume 1 small portion to ease the craving. Don go too hard on yourself. As long as it fully cooked it fine.
It would be better to avoid as there might be some mercury content as well
It’s ok to consume as long as it’s fully cooked.
I ate scallop and abalone and my baby is okay :)
Nope, I actually have cravings for clams lol