How Do Maternity Leave Works??
Can i know does maternity leave start during the time we go labour or? When the baby is out? My edd is 25/11/19 i plan to take hospitalisation leave at least 2weeks before my edd, if i were to take HL 2weeks in advance will they consider it as ML??

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Read moreIts ur choice... u can start to use ur ML as early as 4 weeks before ur edd, or start only when baby is out. Or u can use it in blocks throughout the 12 months after giving birth, or something like that. I believe hr should accept the HL. If ur hr does not want to accept ur HL, explain to them that u dont want to use ur ML yet and to maximise it only when baby is out.
Read moredepends on how sticky ur HR is. I’ve heard of some mummies who shared that eventhough they were on HL, it was not counted and therefore it was considered as ML instead since ML can start 4 weeks before EDD
For my company HL is HL... ML is ML. But also planned to take 2weeks before my due date. But I give birth 3weeks before my due date. Straight away consider ML on that day I give birth
latest ML start date is ur baby born date but possible to apply 1 month prior baby born date.
i took my 1st 2 wks b4 edd & my 2nd a wk b4 edd & staggered it throughout the year