Back Pain , Tired
I keep on having back pain and feel sleepy during first trimester and lack of concentration in doing things. Any solutions for this ?

I took pure chicken essence. Home cooked for first tri. It did boost my energy.. 2nd tri onwards took purchased pure chicken essence daily till deliver. Now 2nd preggy, so go straight into purchase of pure chicken essence. Very tiring in first tri with morning sickness.
Same same same during my first trimester i couldn’t concentrate at work! In addition I had morning sickness. couldn’t even snack cos I keep vomiting. What I did was hve a good night sleep (sleep before 9pm) to feel refreshed!
It’s normal. Try to sleep early and sleep with a pillow propped under your knees if you are lying on your back. You can also try to drink chicken essence to improve your fatigue or just rest.
Hey mum to be, Yes it is normal during first trimester. Try getting more sleep and have proper diet. As you will move towards second trimester, it will be better
It's normal(: But if you have backache and the pain is unbearable then do see a doctor take care!
No solution for this. Wait till first trimester over to get ur energy back
U may want to check out TENS machine safe for pregancy
TENs machine can be used for ache
It's normal, hang in there mummy!
Chicken essence