Pregnant Wife is cheating

I jus found out that my Wife who is 4 months pregnant has been cheating on me. What should I do? I found out as I stumbled into her email inbox and read all her romantic emails to her Co worker

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Confront and find out if that is true and test if bb is yours Would leave her and this is speaking from a woman

Thành viên VIP

I think you really need to talk to your wife. Very sorry to hear what you’re going through.

Confront her about this. And take a DNA test to see if the baby is yours.

Thành viên VIP

Gather up all the evidence, do a DNA test then finally confront her

Thành viên VIP

You may want to see if it’s a good time to talk to her

Pregnant and cheating? Did u confront her?

Thành viên VIP

Is the child yours? Sorry for being blunt.

Thành viên VIP

I think u need to talk to her abt it.

Super Mom

Have a chat with her.

Super Mom

Hmm. Got DNA?