Forced booster jab by workplace

Hi all I am in my first trimester and gynae has issued me a letter of medical ineligibility for booster jab until 2nd tri (March 22) as I am on heavy preg support medications due to spotting earlier on. So I showed this to my workplace but no exemptions was given and was put on no pay leave (w.e.f 14 feb 22 until I get my booster. anyone facing this issue as well? is it a standard policy with other workplaces? With no pay leave, how am I going to pay my monthly HDB loan and my first born's school fees? I am not a frontliner so definitely am able to work from home and fulfil my duties since I have been doing that ever since I joined the workplace. Does any mummy have any experience? do you think MOM will step in or will it be futile? I am not anti-vaxxer apparently I was the first batch to get my first 2 doses of Pfizer in Feb 21. (have explained all of these to HR but was still ignored).

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I can’t find it now, but I read and came across on MOM website yesterday that for home recovery programme employers must allow staff to WFH and where it isn’t possible, to put the staff under paid leave. It should not be on no pay leave. You may verify this by calling MOM customer service hotline to check with them for greater accuracy. Whether for your case it’s also the same protocol. And make sure to get written evidence from MOM to help support your case back to your company.

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3y trước

righttt I am still waiting to hear back from my HR. really hope things change

3y trước

Thanks so much for the link, I managed to search for it.. I have sent the link to my HR, hopefully they are able to revise the regulations.