Which Kinds Of Yoga OK In First Trimester?

Hi, I am hoping to do yoga and/or pilates and I'm in my first tri. Did you do such activities? What type of yoga/pilates would you recommend? Thanks!

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Hi, I did yoga in my 2nd trimester. The yoga studio only accepted once you're in 2nd tri as 1st tri is still too risky. I got my gynaes approval too. Find a studio that does prenatal yoga or plilates as normal ones sometimes you need to do poses which are not suitable when you're pregnant

Maybe after first trimester better. Tried prenatal yoga classes, prenatal pilates and even prenatal aerial yoga. Yes, the keyword is prenatal 😀

Thành viên VIP

Yoga and prenatal exercises are usually rec after first trimester. I did some light cardio in my first, but did not try new stuff

i did prenatal classes. for normal classes, only attended those where the instructors are prenatal certified

usually 1st tri better not to do exercises..can start from 2nd tri

Thành viên VIP

Better check with your gynae! I did yoga all the way till wk 30

Thành viên VIP

Light exercises or walking is recommended

Thanks all!