Trimester 2
I have quite a serious water retention during my trimester 2. Anyone have the same issue? Isit number? How to reduce the water retention?

I'm not suffering so bad while pregnant, swimming and keeping active helps I feel. When I had IVF though I had very bad water retention, to the point of gaining 500g a day and getting internal bruising. My mum cooked pork with black beans soup, and made a big bottle of red bean and barley which are supposed to help with getting rid of 湿气 and I deflated immediately. Barley isn't great for pregnancy but the other ingredients are, maybe you can try drinking that too.
Read moreThe best solution would be to place a pillow under your legs while you sleep at night. By elevating your legs this way, you can find the water retention disappearing the next day.
i'm wearing aulora pants and socks to combat my water retention. so far no swollen feet. i'm at 27 weeks currently. u can DM me at IG to chat more. ☺
Didnt have water retention issue thruout my pregnancy thou.. elevate your legs and drink more water?
Wear compression socks! Or go for post natal massages:)
Elevate your legs and have red bean soup (it works!)
Keep hydrated ! Dehydration causes water retention.