I have finally made the decision to take 1 year no pay leave to take care of my now 1 year old baby by myself .. Previously I sent him to infant care but he kept falling sick and the current one is quite a bad case of bronchitis . Honestly , it will be very tight for my family situation if I don't work but I guess my baby's health is my upmost concern now . I have another two more children aged 5 and 8. Need to support my mil to clear her medical bills too. Any mommies out here also take a back seat in your work despite very tight home financial situation and manage to work things out? I'm quite concern whether we can make it with one salary with hubby being the sole breadwinner but I guess have to try to make it happen

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i can understand that this will be a little tough time for you, especially because you will have to also take care of the financial part. i suggest you look for work from home options where you can make a decent income and also spend a lot of time with your babies.