
Hi all, I had my caesarean 2 weeks ago... the scar is okay.. I don’t feel pain or anything.. but on TOP of the scar I can’t really feel my tummy... it feels numb.. is it normal? And sometimes when I press it feels pain.. doctor was telling me the uterus is contracting on my first week..

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Super Mom

It's just been 2 weeks, your body takes time to heal :) if was a major surgery after all. The numbness is because the nerves died when your stomach was cut opened but it will restore itself after some time. I'm 1 year plus post caesarean, still feel a very slight numb feeling.

Thành viên VIP

Yup, it’s normal. It’ll take a few months. The numbness was gone after about 3 months for me.

Normal I'm now one month plus post-op, still feeling numb at the stomach area above the incision

Hi, Yes it is fine but keep observing the changes and gradually it will be fine

Super Mom

Yes everything you’re feeling is normal at this stage:)

Thành viên VIP

Normal. 20 months on, still feel little numbness.

Influencer của TAP

It's normal I took 4 months to feel something

Influencer của TAP

Yes normal at this point in time 💪

Thành viên VIP

Yup normal to feel the numbness ~