Solo parenting 2 month old

hello, I am gonna be solo parenting for the next week, as hubs usually goes out at 8am and comes home at 9pm and then do housework etc till 11pm then hold baby and then do night shift. Is there any tips mums can share for solo parenting? I feel mentally I will be super exhausted . And also what to do when you want to poo but bb is crying? Also, how to handle bb when you are pumping bm ? I believe I will be quite sleepy during this long stretch of time as well . Now hubs say he has to work on Saturdays in September too 🫠 i really don't know what to do as a ftm to my 7 weeks old bb.

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Do you have extra helping hand while husband's away like to accompany you? If no, maybe perhaps can have sleepover at your house with parents/parents in law. Otherwise then I guess you just have to bare with it alone. For two months old, based on my experience none of my kids will wake up during their afternoon period. Most of the time will be during their feeding or at night. Hence this will be the time you need to either multitask or have sleepless night. Therefore to me no issues esp if you need to poo or do anything else. As for pumping, Ill either direct latch should there be no time to pump. And after baby's asleep then ill pump. So I don't feel the need to rush neither panic. Or I can do one latch and one pump. Do what works for you. All I can say to you, do things one at a time. Do it slowly. Trial and error. Lots of patience. If you have to nap, take a nap. Anything else can wait.

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