Solo parenting 2 month old

hello, I am gonna be solo parenting for the next week, as hubs usually goes out at 8am and comes home at 9pm and then do housework etc till 11pm then hold baby and then do night shift. Is there any tips mums can share for solo parenting? I feel mentally I will be super exhausted . And also what to do when you want to poo but bb is crying? Also, how to handle bb when you are pumping bm ? I believe I will be quite sleepy during this long stretch of time as well . Now hubs say he has to work on Saturdays in September too 🫠 i really don't know what to do as a ftm to my 7 weeks old bb.

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Hey ive been pretty much solo ing for slightly more than six months now. Its a lonely and stressful experience so that's a very important heads up. My husband comes home from work and tries his best to help around, but if ure breastfeeding or pumping its gonna be on u all the way. I gave up pumping early on because yes the pump, feed, clean, repeat made my mental health worse. I spiralled so hard. Im fully breastfeeding now but that comes with a new set of challenges. U will always be attached to baby and its fully ur responsibility even when u tired or sick. May i suggest hands free breast pumps? The kind u slot into ur bra so ur arms are free to hug and carry baby if needed. For toileting, its a struggle. I put baby to sleep then toilet with the door open looking at baby just incase all hell breaks loose. Sometimes yes u have to stop and wash up to attend to baby. So my body is conditioned to poop only when baby sleeps at night, or when husband is around after work. There is no other way for my situation. Husband works occasional Sundays, Saturdays so its pretty much me carrying the family and house. By time hes back its still me cleaning cooking caring etc. If money is not an issue i see other moms suggesting part time helper, full time helper, nannies, parents, in laws to come over and help maybe? We dont have all that so ive been doing over time since delivery. And its tough nuts. I have snapped. I struggled so hard being depressed. Occasionally suicidal thoughts. I have cried until i cant pick myself up from the floor. I have not recovered fully and its obv not okay. I have spaced out because yes these are real difficulties a mother goes through without any help, with fluctuating hormones, without people around u, with ur broken body trying to heal. especially so when ure alone so becareful, check in on urself. talk to ur husband and people around u. Not for their advice honestly but their physical and emotional support. get a trusted person to check in on u every week or so. My cheat sheet these past six months are: bmsg> breastfeeding support group. they seem to have mothers meet up but ive yet to try meeting other moms to make friends yet. or even kkh lactation consultants for tips go out at least twice a week for baby and u walks. fresh air, scenery the likes set up a routine so u can regulate ur emotions and daily stuff, cooking a fav meal every week set aside little perk me ups like ur fav snacks, a little online shopping, ur own quiet time when husband and baby is sleeping just chill ur own time husband and u time at least once a week to check in on each other for whats coming up the next week or month counselling if needed? i chose imh instead of kkh maternal health or even online counselling to keep u in check say good bye to sleep honestly. if bby sleep u sleep. but then it means u dont cook, or eat, or poop, to wash clothes, or shower etc. so if u have the finances cater food, get people to do ur hard work. or u choose one or two priorities per baby nap haha. im sorry i have so much to share how i survived almost 30weeks alone. It was the worse at the first three months because post natal blues is very real. I hope u breeze through urs and things get better🥲

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2y trước

How can he say that… basically he also agreed to be the father of the child leh

Swaddle baby, on music try to make baby sleep. If all thing fails…. no poop for mummy 🤷‍♀️. I usually pump beside her so if she’s awake I’ll talk to her. Luckily she’s cooperative.. Sleep!! Now can sleep just sleep. It’s definitely gonna be exhausting and lack of sleep, especially if you’re pumping every 3 hourly. Find a long drama, watch it everytime you pump (took me 2 months to finish a 16 episode drama). That way you won’t stress about the amount, you will also realize time passes really quickly when you pump cause you’re into the drama. It will get better once your body gets used to waking up regularly and sleeping lesser. Once you get to drag longer session (I started 4.5 hourly around 8m), you’ll feel better. I felt so alive when I started pumping 12 hourly!! Okay, anyways, it’s actually just the same routine everyday except that LO will unlock new milestones. 😊 When LO starts walking (or running) or demanding to be entertained every single minute, you’ll miss newborn days 😂.

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Do you have extra helping hand while husband's away like to accompany you? If no, maybe perhaps can have sleepover at your house with parents/parents in law. Otherwise then I guess you just have to bare with it alone. For two months old, based on my experience none of my kids will wake up during their afternoon period. Most of the time will be during their feeding or at night. Hence this will be the time you need to either multitask or have sleepless night. Therefore to me no issues esp if you need to poo or do anything else. As for pumping, Ill either direct latch should there be no time to pump. And after baby's asleep then ill pump. So I don't feel the need to rush neither panic. Or I can do one latch and one pump. Do what works for you. All I can say to you, do things one at a time. Do it slowly. Trial and error. Lots of patience. If you have to nap, take a nap. Anything else can wait.

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i feel you cause its the same for me too! dont worry , initially it takes time to get used and super exhausted too but in a blink of an eye its been 5mths plus for me :) as my bb doesnt want to latch, I had to pump. gave up pumping after confinement as i didnt have the energy and time. i felt less stress and less uptight after, as previously it was like an endless time war repeating cycles every 2 hrs. so to me, not only was it a physical relief, it helps in my mental wellbeing too . a tip I hope u would find useful: when your hub is handling bb, you should hands off totally and go rest and relax. otherwise as bb grows older, they will start to be very reliant on you as you are the main caretaker. let bb get used to having another person around

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Get a combi stroller that you can roll around the house. Yes, even in the toilet with you while you poop, if you have to. You can check carousell for second hand if you prefer cheaper

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Check out nanny service. Some can be engaged for several hours. When you need to do chores/toilet biz, put baby in the crib (a safe place).

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