wisdom tooth

Can I go for wisdom tooth surgery while being pregnant? I'm 12 wks now

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Thành viên VIP

Check with both dentist and gynae. If the decay is not very bad better postpone until after birth. My wisdom tooth ache during early trimester then I use mouth rinse diligently and somehow it gives me some pain relief.

Better not I did my wisdom tooth removal last time and suddenly had bad gastroenteritis until i was hospitalised, risk for bacterial invasion is there. Suggest consulting a dentist first but i doubt so.

Super Mom

Best not to if can bear with it. Consult gynae if in doubt.

Best to postpone all sorts of surgery after birth

Dont think the anaesthesia is good for baby

Super Mom

No. They won't allow. Need to take xray..

Super Mom

I would not. Check with your gynae

I don't think it's advisable..

Thành viên VIP

I don’t think so

Thành viên VIP

better not