I just found out that the baby I am carrying has high risk of Down syndrome. My Husband wants to keep it. I don't. I don't think I will be able to cope and I am very horrified and ashamed that I might have done something in this pregnancy to cause this. I don't know what I did wrong. I never drank a sip of alcohol. I quit my job and take care of myself very well in this pregnancy. What should I do.

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High risk doesn’t mean confirm he/she has DS.. you can go for the Harmony test where they draw your blood to test for baby’s DNA, or take baby’s amniotic fluid to see his DNA directly.. the test with the amniotic fluid is (almost?) 100% accurate.. then I think you can discuss with your hubby what to do next.. Also, it’s not your fault if your baby is high risk or has DS.. it’s genetics, and honestly, there is nothing you can do (or don’t do) that would change the result.. don’t beat yourself up about it! For all you know, your baby may not have DS; or at least through this experience, you might learn that you have the heart and compassion you never knew you had?

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