Drinking milk

I fed my girl breast milk till she was 9 months old when I had to go for an important overseas work trip. So I had no choice but to give her formula milk. But till today she’s still drinking formula milk. My girl typically drinks 2-3 bottle of milk a day on top of her lunch and dinner. I did saw a few articles online saying that we shouldn’t be giving our child formula milk by 12 months of age. Personally I feel that milk gives my girl extra calcium so no harm giving it to her. Furthermore, it does not affect her normal meals and she’s within the acceptable weight for her age. But I will probably start weaning my girl off formula milk and onto diary milk soon. Share with me your thoughts on giving your child formula milk. #1stimemom #firstbaby #milk #formulamilk #breastfeeding

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My daughter is 3years gg to 4 years old soon and she’s still on formula. I also feel formula gives better extra nutrition compared dairy milk. Will probably continue to give her till she says stop. I personally drank formula milk till I was 12 😂

We all have our own ways of parenting. I personally breastfeed but I don't have anything against those who formula feed their babies.

If your child eats well, u can just give fresh milk. If not formula better. For me, I will give both formula & uht interchangebly.

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no issues giving FM, I will give as long as my lo wants

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2 years old and to be continued