morning sickness

i dont have morning sickness like nausea and vomitting all in my whole pregnancy experience, the 1st and the 2nd. isit normal?

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hi are both boys or do u have any girls? my wife experience really2 smolth pregnancy too.. but ppl say kalau tk kecoh sngt comfirm boy coz hormones tk banyak..isit true?

4y trước

i guess its a myth cause mine both girls 😂

Super Mom

Congratulations!:) as long as baby’s healthy that’s fine!

Influencer của TAP

every pregnancy differs... me neither 💕

Thành viên VIP

Yes. The symptoms differ from person to person.

5y trước

i see. thank you :)

Thành viên VIP

Yes it is. Not every mum experience this.

5y trước

i see...thank you :)

Thành viên VIP

Yup it’s normal.

yes normal

Super Mom

No worries

Thành viên VIP

It's fine(:
