Baby Gender
Hi, I did my 20 weeks and 27 week scanning at Kkh, both time sonographer said it's a baby girl. But as per old wives tales and my feelings and symptoms it must be a boy. So can the scanning gender result can be wrong? Anybody experienced this before?

Old wives tales is not scientifically proven. It's mostly a guess work I feel. I asked my sonographer too if the result at week 20 is accurate. She said for baby boy they can't go wrong but for baby girl sometimes yes depending on the baby's position during the scanning. I am carrying a baby boy but felt I am carrying a baby girl as most elders told me. So I doubted my week 20's result. But during my last week's scan (at week 28) the sonographer when explaining baby's growth n body parts showed us baby boy's genietal 😊
Read moreI would choose to trust the scan results (twice even) than old wives tales. The whole world (relatives and family members) were sooooo certain I was carrying a particular gender. Exclaiming how accurate they were etc. Yet I was carrying the opposite gender. I believe at 27 weeks it should be accurate especially if the sonographer had a good view (baby not hiding/covering the parts).
Read moreLol i don't trust old wives tales. My mum thought im carrying a girl but scan shows a boy (can clearly see his penis) and this is not my first baby so yes i trust sonographer more since we can see on the screen. Old wives tales just depends on the shape and size of your tummy which is nonsense
Old wives tales are not scientific proven and because every pregnancy is different. I would believe the sonographer’s assessment since it has been done twice. But you can opt for blood test to be really sure, just that it is not gonna cheap either.
During my first pregnancy, my symptoms show that it's a girl as per old wives tales. But during the scan it's a boy and born out to be a boy too, so trust the scan. boy or girl doesnt matter as long as they are healthy :)
It’s alright to listen to old wives myth but it’s better not to believe too much. Because some old wives myth will tend to give you more pressure.
Scan results are rarely wrong. Old wives tales are just that - old wives tale.
old wives tales symptoms may vary for some so trust on the scan results.
if u have dont nippt or harmony test done, it shd be 90% accurate
if you have doubts, go for a private scan. problem solved!