Sex during pregnancy

Hi, I caught my husband watching porn and I already had an instinct it's been going on ever since I'm pregnant. I cant have sex as I have miscarried before so doctor advised that especially during this first trimester I would need to be very careful. What should I do? Anyone of you care to share if experiencing the same pls and what did you do. My heart feels it's being broken into pieces.

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I wouldn't consider watching porn to be cheating or anything negative at all tbh. Guys have watched porn long before they know us and they will continue to do so. I know my husband watches porn and sometimes we watch together, it's fun and helps create the mood. It's healthy for them to regularly relief themselves and would be unhealthy to hold it in. I understand your position as I was super low mood during my pregnancy and we only had sex like 3 times throughout the pregnancy, but you should understand your husband's position too. If you are uncomfortable with him watching porn, why not offer him a hand or help him in any other way that doesn't include PIV sex? That way you can still feel included and he gets his relief too, it's win win :)

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4y trước

Men should learn to control lor. How is it soo easy for them to find replacement/relief. Looking at other women????

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I totally understand how you feel. But I think if that’s as far as he goes, it’s still “acceptable”. Just don’t go further than that; e.g: some men out there would have a mistress or pay for sex which is a lot worse. Maybe if he watches porn just try your best to close an eye to that n tell him to do that when you’re not around?

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4y trước

Yes fingers crossed.

My husband too 😌 when I asked, he told me because I often says I’m tired. I’m in my early pregnancy too... and honestly I’m very fatigue.. although I can still have intercourse and doctor gave me a green light but I just kinda lazy... u know what I mean right.

Hi, personally I am open w my husband watching porn as he definitely still have his sexual needs. As long as he doesn't cheat on me. You can try to accept that it's okay and in fact communicate to him about it. That he doesn't need to do it secretly.

4y trước

Thanks for the advice. Im definitely aware men have their sexual needs but seeing it in person, breaks my heart knowing that he does this behind my back.

Lol bet he's been watching porn since he could use the Internet 😂 don't worry abt it. Its very normal as long as he's not like addicted or cheating

4y trước

Ohhh my god. The anonymous above me is a jerk.