No weight gain during 2nd trimester. Anyone experienced this before? What was oby recommendations?

I gained 3 kg in 1st trimester. But nothing in 2nd trimester. I'm approaching week 18 and am worried for my upcoming anatomy scan in week 20. Should I eat more and exercise less? My BMI was normal before pregnancy.

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Don’t worry about no weight gain if your gynae did not flag out during your check up. As long as your baby is growing well, all is good. Usually the weight gain is during third trimester but all pregnancy are different. Not every mommies will gain. Continue to exercise while you can because it would be harder during third trimester.

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Just check with gynae. He’ll be monitoring the baby’s weight with each scan. My gynae said babies are like perfect parasites. They will just take nutrients from the mother irregardless of the mother’s state. So you might be shrinking while the baby is growing :)

no worries mummy! as long as u are eating well and baby is growing well, u don't need to worry! I only gained 3kg overall when I'm full term.

weight gain is also determined by your pregnancy hormones so nothing much you can do

I’d give anything not to gain weight… unfortunately not the case for me.