7 Replies

VIP Member

Well... in that case, you could bring him into the party and let him loosen up if he is open to the idea. This shows that both of you have different personalities; he seems to be an introvert whereas you are an extrovert. By calling him "boring", you're actually putting a label on him which I wouldn't advise as it doesn't make him feel good. Both of you find joy in different activities which is totally fine. I suppose him wanting you to "tone down" means to be more laid back instead of being IN THE MOMENT ALL THE TIME. Of course, we're not your husband, so do ask him exactly what he meant. For all you know, he might just be feeling neglected and need some loving from you.

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i did not really tone down and faced the wrath of hubby and in-laws and society and decided to give it a shot if it meant peace. did that and lost myself somewhere, and absolutely lost my heart and mind. that is when i realized that you can never really please everyone, unless you are true to yourself and happy. i am back to being the girl i was and the woman i really want to be. i am not a 100 percent happy, but i know that i am doing what i want to do, while taking care of all other responsibilities. be yourself please....and don't lose yourself out in the crowd

I was like that. I didn't want to stop being the life of the party just because I am happily attached but gradually, without me realising, I slowed down. I didn't want to party if my man wasn't there and our friends started settling down as well so there wasn't really a point going over the top anymore. The attention was fun and flattering but I didn't really care for it after a while. I like to think that I'm still the life of the party but just a different kind of scene. That's what toning down means to me :)

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i believe as long as you are not hurting anyone with what you do and are able to strike a balance, there is no need for you to change, or as you said 'tone' down
